Setting up payment methods

Welcome to our Magento 2 tutorial on setting up payment methods for your e-commerce site. Magento 2 offers a variety of payment options to accommodate your customers’ preferences, ensuring a smooth and secure checkout process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to configure basic payment methods, including Check/Money Order, Bank Transfer Payment, Cash on Delivery, and integrating third-party payment gateways like PayPal.

Getting Started

Before diving into the setup process, ensure you have administrative access to your Magento 2 backend. Payment method setup is an administrative task that requires access to the Magento 2 Admin Panel.

Accessing Payment Methods Configuration

  1. Log in to your Magento 2 Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  3. In the Configuration panel, under Sales, select Payment Methods.

Here, you’ll find a list of available payment methods along with the configuration options for each.

Configuring Basic Payment Methods

Check/Money Order

  1. Expand the Check/Money Order section.
  2. Set Enabled to Yes.
  3. Fill in the Title (how it appears during checkout), Make Check Payable To, and Send Check To information.
  4. Specify the applicable Payment from Applicable Countries and Minimum Order Total if necessary.
  5. Click Save Config to apply your changes.

Bank Transfer Payment

  1. Expand the Bank Transfer Payment section.
  2. Enable the method by selecting Yes in the Enabled dropdown.
  3. Enter the Title, Description, and bank Instructions that will be visible to customers during checkout.
  4. Define Payment from Specific Countries if required and set any minimum order total.
  5. Save Config to activate the Bank Transfer Payment method.

Cash On Delivery

  1. Locate the Cash On Delivery Payment section and expand it.
  2. Toggle Enabled to Yes.
  3. Input a Title, Description, and any Instructions you want to accompany this option.
  4. As with other methods, you can limit this option to specific countries and set a minimum order total.
  5. Click Save Config to finalize the setup.

Integrating Third-Party Payment Gateways

Magento 2 supports various third-party payment gateways like PayPal, Braintree, and Stripe, offering more flexibility and security to your customers. Here’s how to enable PayPal, one of the most popular gateways:


  1. Expand the PayPal section under Payment Methods.
  2. Choose Configure under the PayPal solution you wish to use (e.g., PayPal Express Checkout).
  3. You will be redirected to the PayPal configuration page. Here, enable the method, and enter your PayPal API credentials (Username, Password, and Signature).
  4. Configure the basic settings, such as Payment Action, Title, and Sort Order.
  5. Review additional settings, like Payment Applicable From and Sandbox Mode if you’re testing the integration.
  6. Save Config to activate PayPal payments on your site.

Final Thoughts

Setting up payment methods in Magento 2 is a critical step in creating a seamless checkout process for your customers. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can offer a variety of payment options to meet the diverse needs of your customers. Always test your payment configurations in a development environment before applying them to your live store to ensure a smooth shopping experience.

Remember, the needs of your e-commerce site may evolve, so periodically review your payment methods to ensure they align with your customers’ preferences and expectations.