Setting Up Backups

In this guide, we’ll cover the essentials of setting up and managing backups in Magento 2. Your store’s data is valuable, and while we automatically perform daily backups to safeguard your information, understanding how to manage your own backups can offer additional security and peace of mind.

Understanding Backups

Magento 2 allows you to create different types of backups:

  1. System Backup: Includes the database, file system, and media files. Ideal for a full restoration.
  2. Database Backup: Contains only the database. Use this for data restoration.
  3. Media Backup: Comprises only media files. Useful for restoring images and other media content.

Note: Our service automatically performs daily system backups. These backups are retained for a specific period, ensuring a recovery point is always available in case of emergencies.

How to Manually Create a Backup

While automatic backups provide a basic level of data security, you may have situations where a manual backup is necessary, such as before making significant changes to your store.

Step 1: Access the Admin Panel

  • Log in to your Magento 2 Admin Panel.
  • Navigate to System > Tools > Backups.

Step 2: Choose Backup Type

  • Select the type of backup you want to create (System, Database, or Media).
  • Click the corresponding button to initiate the process.

Step 3: Configure Backup Settings

  • Skip Media Backup (for System Backup only): You can choose to exclude media files if you’re only interested in the database and file system.
  • Maintenance Mode: Enabling this option will put your store into maintenance mode during the backup process, preventing any data loss from occurring transactions.

Step 4: Create Backup

  • Click OK to start the backup process. The time it takes will depend on your store’s size.
  • Once completed, the backup will appear in the list of available backups.

Managing Backups

After creating backups, you can manage them through the Admin Panel.

Viewing Backups

  • Navigate to System > Tools > Backups to see a list of all backups, including those created automatically and manually.

Downloading Backups

  • Select the backup you wish to download.
  • Click on the Download link. Ensure you store downloaded backups securely.

Deleting Backups

  • If you need to free up space or remove outdated backups, you can delete them.
  • Click on the checkbox next to the backup(s) you wish to remove and hit the Delete button. Confirm the deletion.

Restoring from Backup

Restoring from a backup should be done with caution and typically in response to data loss or corruption.

  • Navigate to System > Tools > Backups.
  • Choose the backup you wish to restore and click on the Rollback button. Follow the prompts to complete the restoration process.

Important: Restoring from backup may overwrite recent data. Consider consulting with our support team before proceeding with a restoration, especially if you are unsure about the implications.

Best Practices

  • Regular Checks: Ensure automatic backups are running as expected.
  • Additional Backups: Before major updates or changes, create a manual backup.
  • Secure Storage: Keep downloaded backups in a secure, off-site location.
  • Consultation: In cases of uncertainty, don’t hesitate to contact our support team for guidance.

By understanding how to effectively manage backups in Magento 2, you can significantly reduce the risk of data loss and ensure that your ecommerce operations run smoothly. Remember, while we provide daily automatic backups, having additional backups and knowing how to restore them gives you greater control over your store’s data security.