Setting Up Adyen Payment Gateway

Adyen offers a comprehensive payment solution that supports a wide array of payment methods globally.


Ensure you have an Adyen account and have accessed your API credentials before starting the setup process.

Installation and Configuration

  1. Install the Adyen Payment Module:
    • Similar to Mollie, the Adyen module can be installed via Composer with the following command:javascriptCopy codecomposer require adyen/module-payment
    • Proceed with the Magento setup upgrade and static content deployment as previously described.
  2. Configure Adyen in Magento 2:
    • Navigate through Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods to find the Adyen settings.
    • Under Adyen Payments, configure your Merchant Account, API Key, and Client Key as found in your Adyen account.
    • Adjust the general settings such as payment method title, sort order, and availability per country.
  3. Enable and Setup Payment Methods:
    • Adyen supports numerous payment methods; each can be configured individually within the Magento Admin Panel.
    • For each payment method you wish to offer, set it to Enabled and adjust its specific settings as needed.
  4. Save and Test Your Configuration:
    • After setup, ensure to save your configurations and conduct tests with Adyen’s test credentials.
    • Once testing is successful, switch to live mode with your live API credentials.

Finalizing the Integration

After setting up and testing the Mollie and Adyen payment methods, review your configurations and test the checkout process to ensure a smooth payment experience for your customers. Remember, offering multiple payment options can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and increase conversion rates.