Managing store views and languages for internationalization

Magento 2 supports multiple store views, allowing merchants to offer their storefront in different languages and cater to a global audience. This feature is essential for internationalization, enabling businesses to tailor their content, currency, and user experience based on the customer’s locale. This article provides step-by-step instructions for managing store views and setting up different languages in your Magento 2 store.


  • Magento 2 installed and configured.
  • Administrator access to the Magento 2 backend.

Creating Store Views

Store views are the actual interfaces the customers interact with. You can create multiple store views for different languages or regions. Here’s how to create a new store view:

  1. Log in to the Magento 2 Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > All Stores.
  3. Click on the “Create Store View” button.
  4. Fill in the necessary information:
    • Store: Select the store this view belongs to.
    • Name: Give your store view a name, typically the language or region.
    • Code: Enter a unique identifier for the store view. This should be lowercase and without spaces.
    • Status: Set to “Enabled” to activate the store view.
    • Sort Order: (Optional) Set the position of this store view in the list.
  5. Click “Save Store View” to finalize.

Setting Up Languages

After creating store views, you can assign different languages to each view:

  1. Install Language Packs:
    • Search for the Magento 2 language pack you need. Magento community provides language packs for various languages.
    • Use Composer to install the language pack. For example, to install the French language pack, you might run:bashCopy codecomposer require mageplaza/magento-2-french-language-pack:dev-master php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy fr_FR php bin/magento indexer:reindex php bin/magento cache:clean php bin/magento cache:flush
    • Repeat this process for each language you plan to support.
  2. Assign Languages to Store Views:
    • Go back to the Magento 2 Admin Panel.
    • Navigate to Stores > Configuration.
    • In the “Store View” dropdown at the top left, select the store view you want to configure.
    • Under General > Locale Options, select the language from the “Locale” dropdown.
    • Click “Save Config” for the changes to take effect.

Verifying Your Setup

After setting up your store views and languages, it’s important to verify that everything is working as expected:

  • Open your store’s frontend.
  • Use the store view selector (usually located in the header) to switch between the different store views.
  • Ensure that the content, currency, and language change according to the store view settings.


By effectively managing store views and languages, you can create a more inclusive and accessible shopping experience for customers worldwide. Magento 2’s flexibility in this area is a powerful tool for businesses aiming to expand their reach internationally. Remember to test your configurations thoroughly and consider the customer journey for each locale to ensure the best user experience.