Managing customer groups and segmentation

Magento 2 offers powerful tools for managing your customers through customer groups and segmentation. This feature allows you to classify your customers into different groups based on various criteria, enabling personalized marketing strategies, customized pricing, and exclusive offers. Understanding how to effectively use customer groups and segmentation can significantly enhance your customer engagement and drive sales.

Customer Groups

What are Customer Groups?

Customer groups in Magento 2 are categories you can assign your customers to based on specific characteristics, such as purchase history, behavior, or demographics. Magento 2 comes with several default customer groups, including General, Not Logged In, and Wholesale, but you can also create custom groups to suit your business needs.

Creating and Managing Customer Groups

  1. Accessing Customer Groups: Log in to your Magento 2 Admin Panel. Navigate to Customers > Customer Groups.
  2. Adding a New Group: Click on the Add New Customer Group button. Enter a Group Name and, if applicable, select a Tax Class for this group. Click Save Customer Group when finished.
  3. Assigning Customers to Groups: You can assign customers to groups either individually through the customer’s account information or in bulk via import functionality. For individual assignments, navigate to Customers > All Customers, select the customer, and then choose the desired group in the Account Information section.

Use Cases

  • Pricing: Offer special pricing to certain groups, like wholesale customers.
  • Promotions: Create group-specific promotions to encourage purchases.
  • Content Customization: Tailor the shopping experience with content specific to each customer group.

Customer Segmentation

What is Customer Segmentation?

Customer segmentation goes a step further than customer groups by allowing you to dynamically categorize customers based on specific criteria and conditions, such as shopping cart contents, customer activity, and order history. This segmentation is dynamic, meaning customers can be automatically moved in or out of segments based on their actions.

Setting Up Customer Segments

  1. Accessing Customer Segments: From the Admin Panel, go to Customers > Segments.
  2. Creating a New Segment: Click Add New Segment. Fill in the Segment Name and Description, and set the Status to Active. Configure the conditions under which customers will be added to this segment.
  3. Using Conditions: Conditions can be based on attributes like lifetime sales, average order value, or specific product purchases. Magento 2’s condition builder allows you to create complex rules for segmenting your customers effectively.

Use Cases

  • Targeted Emails: Send personalized emails based on customer behaviors or preferences.
  • Custom Offers: Create offers based on the customer’s purchase history to increase relevancy and conversion rates.
  • Dynamic Content: Display dynamic content on your site based on the customer’s segment, enhancing the user experience.

Best Practices

  • Regularly review and update your customer groups and segments to ensure they remain relevant to your business goals.
  • Test and analyze the impact of targeted campaigns on different segments to refine your marketing strategies.
  • Ensure your segmentation strategies comply with any applicable data protection regulations.


Effectively utilizing customer groups and segmentation in Magento 2 can transform your customer management and marketing efforts. By personalizing the shopping experience, you can build stronger relationships with your customers, encourage loyalty, and drive sales. Start exploring these features today to unlock the full potential of your eCommerce site.