Importing and exporting products

Creating a comprehensive guide on importing and exporting products in Magento 2 is crucial for efficient store management, enabling store owners to bulk update their product catalog, migrate products from one store to another, or integrate with external systems. This article will guide you through the steps to import and export products in Magento 2, covering the essentials you need to manage your product data effectively.

Importing Products

Preparing Your Import File

  1. Format and Structure: Your import file must be in CSV format. The first row should contain column headers, which correspond to Magento’s attribute codes. You can download a sample file from the Magento Admin to understand the required format.
  2. Required Fields: At a minimum, your CSV file should include the following columns: sku, product_type, attribute_set_code, product_websites, and name. Depending on the product type and your specific requirements, additional columns may be necessary.
  3. Images: To import images, upload them to the pub/media/import folder on your server. In the CSV file, specify the path to these images relative to the pub/media/import directory.

Import Process

  1. Access the Import Section: Log in to the Magento Admin. Navigate to System > Data Transfer > Import.
  2. Import Settings:
    • Entity Type: Select Products.
    • Import Behavior: Choose one of the options (Add/Update, Replace, or Delete) depending on your need.
    • Select File to Import: Upload your prepared CSV file.
    • Images File Directory: If you’re importing images, provide the path to the pub/media/import directory.
  3. Check Data: Click on Check Data to validate your CSV file. Magento will check for formatting errors and report any issues found.
  4. Import: If the data check is successful, click on Import to start the import process. Magento will process the CSV file and add/update/delete the products in your catalog as specified.

Exporting Products

Preparing for Export

  1. Export Settings: Decide which product attributes you need to export. Magento allows you to customize the CSV file to include only the data you need.
  2. Filters: You can apply filters to export only a specific subset of products based on attributes like sku, product type, or attribute set.

Export Process

  1. Access the Export Section: Log in to the Magento Admin. Navigate to System > Data Transfer > Export.
  2. Export Settings:
    • Entity Type: Select Products.
    • Export File Format: Choose CSV.
    • Fields Enclosure: Check this box if you want to enclose exported content in quotation marks.
  3. Entity Attributes: Select which attributes to include in your export file. Use the filters to narrow down the products to export.
  4. Export: Click on Continue to generate the CSV file. Once processed, the file will be available for download.

Best Practices

  • Backup: Always backup your data before performing mass imports or exports to prevent data loss.
  • Test Import: Perform a test import with a small number of products to ensure that your CSV file is correctly formatted and that the import behaves as expected.
  • Review Magento’s Guidelines: Magento provides detailed guidelines and specifications for CSV files. Reviewing these can help avoid common pitfalls.


Importing and exporting products in Magento 2 is a powerful feature that can save time and help manage your product catalog more efficiently. By following the steps outlined above and adhering to best practices, you can streamline your product management processes, ensuring a more effective and error-free operation.