Creating promotions and coupons

Promotions and coupons are essential tools for driving sales and encouraging customer engagement in your Magento 2 store. Follow these steps to create compelling promotional offers and distribute coupons to your customers.

Part 1: Creating a Price Rule

  1. Access the Admin Panel: Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Marketing Section: On the admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules.
  3. Add New Rule: Click on the Add New Rule button to start creating a new price rule.
  4. Rule Information:
    • Rule Name: Enter a name for your rule.
    • Description: Provide a description for internal use.
    • Status: Set to “Active” to enable the rule.
    • Customer Groups: Select which customer groups the rule applies to.
    • Coupon: Choose “Specific Coupon” if you want to use a coupon code.
    • Coupon Code: Enter the code customers will use. Leave blank if auto-generating coupons.
    • Uses per Coupon: (Optional) Limit the number of times a coupon can be used.
    • Uses per Customer: (Optional) Limit the number of times a coupon can be used by a single customer.
  5. Conditions: Define the conditions under which the cart price rule will apply. This can be based on product attributes, customer attributes, or cart characteristics.
  6. Actions:
    • Apply: Select the type of discount (e.g., Fixed amount discount, Percentage discount).
    • Discount Amount: Enter the discount amount.
    • Apply to Shipping Amount: Choose whether to apply the discount to the shipping amount as well.
    • Free Shipping: Select if you want to offer free shipping as part of the promotion.
  7. Labels: Enter the text that will be displayed on the frontend for the discount.
  8. Save Rule: Once all the details are filled in, click on the Save button to activate the rule.

Part 2: Distributing Coupons

After creating a rule with a specific coupon, you can distribute the coupon code through various channels like email newsletters, social media, or directly to customers through your store’s frontend.

Best Practices for Promotions and Coupons

  • Clear Communication: Ensure the terms and conditions of your promotions and coupons are clear and easily understandable.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly check the performance of your promotional campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Segmentation: Use customer segments to target promotions more effectively and increase conversion rates.


Creating promotions and coupons in Magento 2 is a straightforward process that can significantly impact your store’s success. By carefully crafting your promotional offers and strategically distributing coupons, you can enhance customer engagement, increase sales, and drive loyalty.

Remember to test your promotions and coupons thoroughly to ensure they work as expected and to avoid any customer dissatisfaction. With Magento 2’s flexible promotional tools, you’re well-equipped to create compelling offers that resonate with your audience.