
How to add products in Magento 2

Liam Ashley
Published: July 18, 2024
Modified: July 18, 2024

No eCommerce store can exist with zero products. However, adding their products to complex platforms may be a challenge for many users. This article aims to provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to add products in Magento 2.

Magento 2 is the new and upgraded version of Magento, a well-known platform for virtual markets. Despite the warm welcome it received from the community, it is still a challenge for most users to fully utilize all that it has to offer – leaving a lot of its features unexplored and unraveled.

Product types in Magento 2

As mentioned before, the product is the soul of an e-commerce store. A customer would buy whatever meets their needs and criteria and is aesthetically arranged. So adding products systematically and carefully is essential to make your work easy and organized. 

To add products in Magento 2, they can be either of the 6 following types:

Simple product

The most basic and popular product in Magento is the Simple Product. A product that is sold on a single-item basis, with few or no more items or variations to choose from. For example, a shirt that has no other color or size options; this shirt and other such products will have its SKU to help distinguish it.

Virtual Product 

Memberships, warranties, services, and subscriptions are all examples of Virtual Products as they do not require delivery or shipping. Each Virtual Product has its own SKU as well. 

Configurable Product

A cluster of Simple Products or Virtual Products come together to create a Configurable Product. In other words, consumers get several options to choose from. For example, a shirt with a lot of available sizes and colors. In this case, each color and size would correspond to a simple or virtual product with a different SKU.

Grouped Product

Any group of simple or virtual products with similar characteristics are called Grouped Products. Multiple products in that group can be bought at the same time to save money and make use of the basic psychology of shoppers. For example, a Grouped Product consisting of different cutlery pieces and Tupperware would be more preferred and bought than looking for individual items. This is especially beneficial for store sales. 

Bundle Product

The fact that a Bundle Product consists of a group of Simple or Virtual Products, makes it very similar to a Grouped Product. However, for a Bundle Product, a consumer chooses to buy a random combination of sub-products rather than any individual products.  

Downloadable Product

Anything you can download, is a Downloadable Product, such as ebooks, online courses, movies, software, etc. The expected path of buying begins when the customer watches the trailer. The consumer is then expected to buy the product, download it, and then use it. 

To learn and master how to add products in Magento 2, we must first start with the basics. So for this article, our primary focus would be on learning how to add Simple Products on Magento 2.

Steps to add your type of products to Magento 2

Step 1: Once you successfully log in to the admin panel, click on CATALOG, and select PRODUCTS

To add products in Magento 2, you would need to first login into the admin panel. Once on the page, click ADD PRODUCT in the upper-right corner. A product category would be displayed that would consist of all the types of products listed above. Select SIMPLE PRODUCT.

Step 2: Select the ATTRIBUTE that you would want your product to have

You would find a default attribute set to begin with. However, you have the option to choose from several options, to add a new attribute, or to add a whole new set of attributes. You can choose either of the options depending on how you plan to add products in Magento 2.

To add an attribute, click on the ADD ATTRIBUTE button on the top right corner of the screen.

To access the default set of attributes, complete the product-related information into all of the boxes that are marked as *(required). These mandatory boxes would be

  • Name
  • SKU
  • Price

Please note, however, that attention is paid to the ADVANCED PRICING section. That is used to set up the special prices that are to be charged during the holiday season or in case of a sale. 


  • Description: a concise product description should be added in this section
  • Brief Description: your product’s main features are added here, for a product overview, and to maintain an RSS feed or a category/product page, etc. 


Add products in Magento 2 by adding their pictures and/or videos using pop-up or manually adding them through the drag-and-drop option. This makes navigation much easier as well.

You can then click on the images to fill in the following details

  • Alt Text: text to describe the image in case the image fails to load
  • Role 
  1. Base: main image for the product page
  2. Small: images for listings 
  3. Thumbnail: for the thumbnail gallery
  4. Swatch: to illustrate color, pattern, and texture

Step 5: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • URL Key: The URL key for the product’s online address
  • Meta Title: Any title to display in search results (Default meta title is based on product name)
  • Meta Keywords: Include relevant keywords that will help you appear higher in search results
  • Meta Description: A description of the product is to be entered here, that would be displayed in search results (the report should ideally be kept between 150-160 words)

Step 6: To attract more customers to view and buy your products, set up RELATED, MULTI-SELL, and CROSS-SELL PRODUCTS

Once you add products in Magento 2, you need to arrange them strategically to attract maximum buyers. Achieve this goal by linking and interlinking your main product with other products.

Step 7: Add all relevant details needed for the PURCHASE PROCESS

  • Customizable Options: provide consumers with multiple options with multiple texts, selections, and data inputs.
  • Products in Website: by default, the site check box would be ticked. You can, however, show exactly where the products are available according to the store hierarchy.

Step 8: Design an INTERFACE for the product

When you start to add products in Magento 2, you need to build an interactive and appealing interface for your potential buyers.

Step 9: PUBLISH the Product

Once you are ready to publish a product in your catalog, you can go ahead and switch ENABLE PRODUCTS to YES.

After that, you can do one of the two following things to end the process of adding products in Magento 2:

Method 1: Save and Preview

To finally add products in Magento 2, click SAVE, in the upper right corner.

You can select CUSTOMER VIEW on the Admin Menu to view products in your store from a consumer perspective. 

Method 2: Save and close

On the Save menu, select SAVE & CLOSE to successfully add products in Magento 2.

When you’re done, you will have learned how to add a Simple Product in Magento 2.

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Maarten de Haas
E-commerce Expert at Magstack®
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